Brow Lift Surgery to Address Drooping Brows and Lines

atlanta-facial-plastic-surgeryWith the struggling economy and competitive job market, many individuals are looking for ways to appear younger and more rested.  Your face often provides the first impression; Dr. Franklyn Elliott will frequently meet with patients to discuss which facial rejuvenation procedures can help them restore a more youthful appearance.   Facelift surgery can greatly minimize the signs of aging of the face and neck, however, patients often do not need a full facelift to see results.

A forehead lift, also known as a brow lift, addresses the upper face area by lifting drooping brows and eliminating frown lines and deep creases across the forehead.  As with all procedures, Dr. Elliott uses the most advanced techniques to improve recovery time and provide patients with natural-looking results.  Dr. Elliott makes small incisions within the hair line or the natural creases of the facial anatomy when performing a brow lift to allow the tissue and muscle to be repositioned without noticeable scars.

Many patients have other anti-aging procedures performed as well to compliment brow lift surgery including eyelid surgery and skin resurfacing. Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) can rejuvenate aging eyes by removing fatty deposits and excess skin that contribute to a tired appearance.  Patients often see benefits from laser skin resurfacing after plastic surgery as it smoothes skin tone and rebuild collagen. Laser skin resurfacing can also eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, age spots, and other skin blemishes while improving overall complexion.

If you are interested in brow lift surgery or other facial procedures, please contact our office to schedule a consultation.  Don’t forget to connect with Dr. Elliott on Facebook, Twitter and Google + for the latest plastic and reconstructive news and information.