Feel Confident Sleeveless – Arm Lift Surgery

Although not as commonly discussed as liposuction or breast augmentation, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeon statistics, arm lift surgery has grown 4,378% since 2000. Last year, there were more than 15,000 arm lift procedures performed on women alone.Atlanta-Arm-Lift-Surgery

Board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Franklyn Elliott has over 25 years of surgical experience and uses the most advanced techniques to provide each patient with natural results. Dr. Elliott has found that despite exercising routinely and eating healthy, our skin continues to sag as we age. Excess arm skin can make an individual feel self-conscious when wearing certain clothing. Arm lift surgery can eliminate the appearance of excess skin and help patients feel more confident.

Brachioplasty (arm lift surgery) requires an incision from the armpit to the elbow. Dr. Elliott carefully makes the incision towards the back of the arm to minimize scarring. However, it’s important to note that as with all surgical procedures, scarring will occur. For individuals who only need minimal tightening of the skin, the incision can be limited to the armpit. During a consultation, Dr. Elliott will discuss how much improvement you can expect with each option and where the scar will be located.

Results after arm lift surgery are long-lasting but continuing an active lifestyle is encouraged to maintain optimal results.  Dr. Elliott also reminds patients that cosmetic surgery is not a weight-loss solution and maintaining healthy habits is imperative.

For more information about arm lift surgery or other plastic surgery options, please contact Dr. Elliott to schedule a consultation. Be sure to connect with Dr. Elliott on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic and reconstructive news and information.