Cosmetic Procedures for Facial Structure

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I’ve found that despite the stereotypes, the only thing plastic surgery patients truly have in common is that they all have something they want to change about their appearance. Even this varies greatly from one patient to the next. For example, some used to have a strong self-image, but after life took a toll on their waistlines, breasts, or skin laxity, they’re now trying to get back to feeling as confident as they once did. Others, however, have struggled with self-consciousness for most or all of their lives due to more permanent features like their facial structure. Fortunately, many of these people have been able to finally feel comfortable in their own skin after cosmetic surgeries like these:

facial plastic surgery atlantaRhinoplasty

Nose reshaping, medically known as rhinoplasty, can take a number of forms to improve a patient’s facial balance and symmetry. Most commonly, this surgery is requested by patients with particularly large or small noses, as well as those with a bump or curvature, and those with disproportionately large or small nasal tips or nostrils. In some cases rhinoplasty can also be used to correct a deviated septum or certain other structural breathing problems. After making an incision inside the nose, in the tissue between the nostrils, or within the natural creases of the nose, I am able to sculpt the structure as needed or add volume using the patient’s own cartilage.

Chin Surgery

The chin can have a profound impact on the balance of your facial features, and chin augmentation or chin reshaping can create a more appealing jawline, even helping patients look more slender in the process. Using an incision either inside the mouth or underneath the chin to minimize visible scarring, I am able to enhance the shape of the chin by adding a natural-feeling implant or sculpting the underlying chin structure. In some cases, this procedure is performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty for a more comprehensive change.


Ears which are overly large or which face forward instead of sitting closer to the side of the face can be a source of teasing for children from an early age. Fortunately, this surgery can be performed on adults and children alike starting around age five or six. Using a small incision in the back of the ear, I can reshape the cartilage which gives the ear its form, creating a more appealing silhouette.

Whether you’re finally making the choice to change something you’ve been unhappy with for most of your life, or you’re striving to restore the confidence you once had, plastic surgery can be a life-changing decision. With the guidance of a board-certified plastic surgeon, many patients find that they can safely and effectively achieve the results they’ve been looking forward to for months or years. To start discussing your aesthetic options, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. Or, for more information and the latest cosmetic surgery news, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.