Answers to Your Breast Lift Surgery Questions

Women may choose to have breast lift surgery due to numerous factors.  Age, heredity, effects of pregnancy, and/or weight fluctuation can all affect the look of your breasts causing them to lose volume and begin to sag.  Most women are affected at some point in their life by one of these factors, and many may be good candidates for breast lift surgery. Dr. Franklyn Elliott specializes in breast procedures and has spoken at numerous symposiums and lectures about breast lift techniques.  Dr. Elliott travels worldwide to educate local and international breast surgeons about the most advanced and safest surgical techniques and tools for cosmetic and reconstructive breast procedures.  Below are just a few of the common questions many breast lift patients ask.

What does breast lift surgery do?

Breast lift surgery restores the position of breasts that have begun to sag and lose volume. During the breast lift procedure, Dr. Franklyn Elliott will trim excess skin and tighten supporting tissue to position the breast  to a more lifted and youthful position.

Can exercise tighten the skin around my breasts instead of breast lift surgery?

Although exercise is vital to your overall health and wellbeing, exercise alone will not tighten lax skin around your breast.  Breast lift surgery is used to tighten the breast skin creating a firmer appearance while positioning the breast higher on the chest.

Does a breast lift procedure leave a scar?

Like all surgical procedures, scarring will occur after breast lift surgery at the incision site.  There are several surgical technique options that can lead to minimal scarring, and scars will gradually fade over time.  Some creams and serums can reduce the appearance of scars after plastic surgery.  Dr. Elliott will work with you to determine which technique is the best option for you depending on your individual circumstances.

Can you combine other procedures with breast lift surgery?

Yes, breast lift surgery is often performed in conjunction with breast augmentation or breast reduction to increase or decrease breast size.  Breast lift surgery will not increase or decrease the size of the breasts, it will lifts the position and create tighter breasts. Women looking to have fuller breasts or excess glandular fat removed while obtaining a lifted appearance may be good candidates for combined breast procedures.

Is breast lift and breast reduction the same procedure?

No, breast lift surgery and breast reduction are not the same surgical procedure. Breast lift surgery lifts the position of the breasts while a breast reduction removes excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from the breasts.

If you are considering a breast lift procedure, please contact our office today to set up a consultation. Don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google + to stay informed of all the latest breast news and technology.