How Do I Know if I Need a Breast Lift or a Breast Augmentation?

As a double board-certified plastic surgeon who has been performing cosmetic breast procedures for over 35 years, I have received thousands of questions from patients over the years about the various breast procedure options. Of these questions, perhaps the one I have received most over the years is from patients who want to know the difference between a breast lift and breast augmentation. Although both procedures can provide life-changing results, they do so in drastically different ways.

The truth is that breast lifts and breast augmentation address different issues that affect the appearance of the breasts. Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, can treat sagging breasts to help women achieve a perkier, younger-looking chest contour. During the procedure, I remove excess skin from the breast and then tighten and reshape the remaining breast tissue to provide more youthful, elevated breasts. This differs significantly from a breast augmentation procedure, in which the patient’s breast size and volume is increased using a breast implant.

Both procedures can actually be combined for patients who seek even more comprehensive breast contouring results. Check out the video below where I go into detail about the benefits of breast lifts and breast augmentation procedures:

Fully understanding the differences between these procedures is an important first step towards determining the right cosmetic breast surgery for you. Regardless of which way you’re leaning, a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is required to determine the surgery that will best address your issues and help you reach your personal aesthetic goals. For more information or to schedule a breast surgery consultation today, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. And please check out my gallery of cosmetic breast procedure photos on my website. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for more plastic surgery news, photos, and updates.