Busting Common Breast Lift Myths

Breast lifts have become increasingly popular—in fact, over five times more breast lifts were performed in 2014 than in 1997, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). It’s always a good idea for patients to learn about the plastic surgeries they’re considering, but for all the valuable information you can find, there is just as much misleading and inaccurate information being publicized. Below are a few of the most common myths about breast lifts and sagging breasts, along with the facts to set the record straight.

breast lift atlanta georgia mastopexyMyth: Chest exercises can make your breasts sag less.

While it’s healthy to build the pectoral muscles, this will not affect the position of your breasts. Over time, breasts sag because of aging, heredity, and weight fluctuations, but these factors affect the skin of the breast, not the muscle. The only way to effectively lift the breasts is through a surgical breast lift, in which a board certified plastic surgeon will remove excess skin and give the breasts a higher, more youthful position.

Myth: Running and other high-impact exercises will cause breasts to sag more.

The research on this topic is limited, but based on the information we do have, high-impact exercises have little to no effect on breast sagging. Rather than giving up your morning jog, the more effective way to help your breasts look younger for longer is to minimize sun exposure and smoking, because these can both cause your skin to age more quickly.

Myth: Breast implants will make your breasts perkier.

The goal of plastic surgery is to give each patient the unique results they’re looking for, which is why different procedures have different goals. A breast augmentation focuses on adding size to the breasts, but it only affects the height and youthfulness of the breasts when it’s combined with a breast lift. Fortunately, these two cosmetic surgeries are typically rather easy to combine, but be sure to be upfront about your expectations and desired results in your pre-surgical consultation.

Myth: The results of a breast lift are permanent.

Breasts sag, in large part, as the result of aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations. While a breast lift can turn back the clock on the sagging that has already occurred, there is not a way to stop the aging process. As the skin continues to lose firmness, breasts will continue to age and to droop, and future pregnancies or weight changes can accelerate these changes as well. But while your breasts won’t always look as youthful as they do in the months after the surgery, you can expect them to always look younger than they would if you had not had the breast lift.

If you’re considering a breast lift or another cosmetic procedure, doing research can help you to have an understanding of the process and to feel comfortable with your decision. However, as all these myths show, you may come across unreliable information. Make sure you’re using reputable sources, like websites from relevant medical organizations (such as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons). Keep in mind as well that every patient is unique, so one patient’s experience could be entirely different from yours. To discuss the procedure you’re considering and to get information that specifically pertains to you, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. Or, for more helpful information and news about plastic surgery, join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.