Endoscopic Brow Lift for Facial Rejuvenation

For many patients noticing signs of aging isolated to one area of the face, a traditional facelift procedure may not be required for facial rejuvenation. Board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Franklyn Elliott often performs individual (partial) facial procedures for patients with minimal and specific areas of the concerns such as eyelids, lower face, and forehead.  Dedicated to producing delicate and effective results, Dr. Elliott uses the most advanced technology such as Quill™ knotless sutures to assist in healing and minimize scarring.brow-lift-surgery-atlanta-alpharetta-ga

A recent study published in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery reported a majority of surveyed individuals who underwent endoscopic brow lift where highly satisfied with their results. The term brow and forehead lift are frequently used interchangeably; this procedure can provide patients with a natural, more youthful appearance.  Brow lift surgery targets expression lines and signs of aging around the eyebrows and forehead.

Dr. Elliott uses highly-skilled techniques for brow lift surgery including endoscopic brow lift to provide patients with subtle, yet effective results. Using an endoscope (surgical video device) Dr. Elliott makes tiny incisions along the hairline to minimize scarring and downtime. During the procedure, tissue and muscle below the skin can be repositioned and/or removed to lift and smooth wrinkles.  Dr. Elliott frequently attends and speaks at world-wide plastic surgery conferences to educate others and review new surgical techniques and technology.

Other facial rejuvenation procedures that may be performed in combination with brow lift include blepharoplasty (eyelid), mid facelift, and lower facelift surgery.  To learn more about brow lift surgery or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office. Connect with Dr. Elliott on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic and reconstructive news and information.