Ask Dr. Elliott: When Can I Get Back to My Workout After Plastic Surgery?

One of the most important elements of having a successful plastic surgery is planning. The more you know about what to expect at the various stages of your surgical process, the more steps you can take to prepare and the more likely you are to see everything go smoothly. One aspect to consider during your planning stage is when you’ll be able to exercise again. While physical activity is, of course, one of the best things you can do for your health, heading back to the gym too soon can have dangerous consequences. While every patient’s experience is unique and based on a number of factors, here’s an overview of what you can expect after some of my most common procedures.

Ask Dr. Elliott When Can I Get Back to My Workout After Plastic SurgeryBlepharoplasty – After eyelid surgery, designed to reduce signs of aging around the eyes like under-eye bags and sagging “hooded” upper eyelids, most patients can return to regular exercise in 2-3 weeks.

Facelift – While too much exertion (and anything else that makes your face flush) too soon can intensify your swelling, six weeks after your surgery you should be able to get back into your normal workout.

Rhinoplasty – Some nose reshaping surgeries are more extensive than others, but most patients can resume their normal exercise routine within three weeks.

Chin Augmentation – After patients have undergone chin surgery to enhance their facial structure, they are typically back to full-strength exercises four to six weeks post-surgery.

Breast Lift – Lower-impact workouts can often be resumed around two weeks after a breast lift, but it could take a month or more before you’re ready for higher-impact activities like running.

Breast Augmentation – As with a breast lift, the impact of the exercise on the breasts is crucial, but most breast augmentation patients can walk for exercise after one to two weeks and resume most other activities after four to six weeks.

Breast Reduction – While mild activity like walking can help your healing process, I typically advise most patients to limit their more strenuous exercise for around a month.

Male Breast Reduction – Addressing gynecomastia with surgery typically requires patients to wait two to three weeks before resuming most of their workout routine.

Arm Lift – Most arm lift (or brachioplasty) patients can begin with walking for exercise within one week, gradually working up to cardiovascular exercise after a month and heavier lifting after six weeks.

Liposuction – Depending on the extensiveness of your surgery, you should be able to resume most activities within ten days after liposuction, but vigorous and high-impact exercise (e.g., running) should be limited for four to eight weeks.

Tummy Tuck – While small amounts of walking may be recommended in the days after a tummy tuck, you’ll need to avoid strenuous activities (including lifting children) for four to eight weeks post-surgery.

Thigh Lift – Thigh lift patients typically return to work and other daily activities after two to three weeks, but it usually takes six to eight weeks before they can return to their full workout.

While you’re planning your cosmetic surgery, the most important thing to remember is that the timeframes listed above are simply general estimates. When you schedule a consultation with me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, I’ll be able to give you a more specific idea of what to expect during your personal recovery process, but we’ll be able to better gauge your healing throughout your follow-up appointments – one of the many reasons why it’s so important to keep all of your post-surgical appointments. For more helpful tips and information for your plastic surgery journey, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.