What Will My Liposuction Scars Look Like?

Scarring is a natural and unavoidable part of any plastic surgery procedure. That said, certain procedures are associated with far less visible scarring than others. The scar size from a liposuction procedure is determined by the size of the cannula used to make the incision. Since I personally perform liposuction with a small micro-cannula that allows for smaller incisions (typically about a quarter of an inch), the scarring is minimal. In my experience, patients are generally delighted by their results and find the pro of their aesthetic improvement to be well worth con of whatever liposuction scarring may occur.

As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, I do believe it is my responsibility to discuss potential scarring with all of my patients during their pre-surgery consultations. Patients who are trying to determine which plastic surgery procedure is the right choice for them should choose based on their true aesthetic needs, not on the scar it may leave. Despite the marginal scarring that occurs after a liposuction procedure, scarring is still an issue that should be thoroughly considered. That’s why I have taken some time in the video below to detail what kind of scarring patients can typically expect following their liposuction procedure.

Regardless of what plastic surgery procedure you undergo, closely following your surgeon’s aftercare instructions during your recovery is the first step towards keeping your scarring to a minimum. Liposuction scars can disappear over time, but the smoothness and discreetness of your scar can depend on how well your body heals following your procedure. You can aid the healing process by taking your post-surgical care instructions to heart. If you are interested in liposuction surgery and would like to discuss this in more detail, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, to schedule a consultation today. You can also follow along with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for more plastic surgery tips and information.