Questions to Ask Prior to Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction to restore a woman’s breasts after mastectomy can be a difficult subject to approach. Board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Franklyn Elliott understands that breast reconstruction is more than just a bodily experience—rather, it is a mental, emotional, and physical involvement that takes full consideration by the patient.

While Dr. Elliott effusively covers concerns and questions with each patient to find the best technique to fit their unique needs and provide natural-looking, satisfactory results, it is important for the patient to do their part in requesting answers essential to their comprehension of breast reconstruction. Dr. Elliott values letting patients take the lead with their questions, putting their needs, desires, and inquiries at the forefront of conversation. Below, Dr. Elliott discusses questions that he recommends asking prior to breast reconstruction surgery, such as the length of the procedure and which breast reconstruction method may be most suitable for them.



We will be periodically posting new videos from Dr. Elliott discussing various aspects of plastic and reconstructive surgery in the coming months. If you would like to schedule a consultation in order to have these questions personally answered, please contact us today. For more on breast reconstruction and other procedures, please visit Dr. Elliott’s website and follow him on  FacebookTwitter, and Google +.