Breast Reconstruction Recovery: Tips for Proper Healing

For board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Franklyn Elliott, your breast reconstruction journey is deeply personal. Not only does he strive to perform the best surgical reconstruction procedure for your individual needs, but Dr. Elliott also cares about your maintenance of a healthy lifestyle as a whole during and after reconstructive surgery. Below, Dr. Elliott provides tips for a strong recovery after breast reconstruction.

Breast reconstruction surgery recovery information

  • Plan for adequate time off. While you may be anxious to return to a normal routine, the more you can control your stress levels, the more quickly you will heal. Trying to return to day-to-day motions you went through prior to surgery too soon could cause your recovery time to lengthen. Generally, it is better to schedule more recovery time than you think you’ll need to ensure you have enough time to fully heal, depending on Dr. Elliott’s recommendation.
  • Have patience. Breast reconstruction is a process that can take several months to complete, from planning to starting to heal. The time it takes to heal from surgery is dependent on the type performed, and can range from two weeks to eight weeks. There is no quick fix and teamwork will be required. You will work closely with your chosen medical professionals to create the most effective plan for you, but perhaps the most important part is committing to all components of the journey.
  • Rely on your doctor. If you have questions or concerns within your recovery process, it is preferred that you consult Dr. Elliott rather than a search engine. Instead of derailing your surgical plan because of an experience you read about on the internet, make an appointment to discuss your apprehensions or curiosities to ensure you are getting the correct information.
  • Maintain your health. Proper nutrition is very important so that your body can get the nutrients it craves while in the healing process. In later stages of recovery, we may recommend light exercise, including low-weight strength training, walking, stretching, and low-impact classes like yoga and Pilates. Additionally, it is important to stop smoking to ensure adequate circulation and oxygen in your blood.
  • Follow post-operative instructions. While all cases differ, it is important to listen to Dr. Elliott’s recommendations for what to do after surgery. Rest, elevate your head and chest, be sure to drink adequate fluids, and begin taking medications based on instructions provided.

If you are interested in breast reconstruction or any other procedure from Dr. Elliott, please contact us for a consultation. Connect with Dr. Elliott on FacebookTwitter, and Google + for the latest cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery news and information.