Male Breast Reduction: The One True Solution for Treating Gynecomastia

Male breast enlargement is more common that most guys realize. Gynecomastia, a condition that causes excess glandular breast tissue, can affect men of all ages. Although enlarged male breasts can be a source of considerable embarrassment and shame, the truth is that gynecomastia is typically caused by factors that are outside the patient’s control. Gynecomastia is most commonly the result of hormonal changes, hereditary factors, or developing certain health conditions. No matter the cause, I believe no man should have to live with the frustration of enlarged breasts.

Male patients often ask me if there are alternative treatments that can help them reduce their breast enlargement. Unfortunately, I have not found any such non-surgical solutions for true gynecomastia. Since it is caused by a development of excess tissue in the male breast, the only way to truly reduce the effects of gynecomastia is to reduce this tissue. Diet and exercise can help reduce fat in the chest area, but they cannot reduce the amount of breast tissue a man has. Additionally, there is no known medicinal treatment for gynecomastia.

In order to truly achieve meaningful relief from the effects of gynecomastia, a man can undergo male breast reduction surgery. During the procedure, I am able to remove the excess tissue around the breast to create a flatter, more masculine chest contour. Male breast reduction is a relatively common surgery that can provide guys of almost all ages with outstanding aesthetic results that last. Check out the video below where I discuss how gynecomastia can be successfully treated with male breast reduction:

Even if it poses no physical danger, the psychological and emotional burden of gynecomastia can take their toll on anyone over time. Male breast reduction can be an outstanding way to earn a new lease on life by achieving a more masculine physique that you can be proud of. If you would like to discuss whether you may be a candidate for male breast reduction surgery, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for more tips and news from the world of plastic surgery.