Body Contouring Procedures for Fat Removal

Liposuction in AtlantaMany women often complain of stubborn fat around their abdomen.  As women age, especially after menopause, excess fat around the stomach can be difficult to eliminate solely through exercise and diet. For some patients, it seems that fat in this region does not respond well to even the healthiest lifestyle.  With age, muscle mass gradually decreases and fat accounts for a larger percentage of your overall weight.  For over 30 years, Dr. Franklyn Elliott has performed body contour procedures to help these patients eliminate stubborn fat and enhance their silhouette when diet and exercise won’t help.  He works with each of his patients to maximize their results.

Dr. Elliott performs abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck surgery, on patients looking to eliminate excess fat and skin around their abdomen. During a tummy tuck procedure, excess skin and fat is removed. This surgery can also tighten weak abdominal muscles that may have become separated during pregnancy or childbirth.

Some women combine tummy tuck with other procedures for a total mommy makeover. Combinations of cosmetic procedures are specific to each individual’s needs, but commonly include breast surgery, abdominoplasty and/or liposuction.  During a consultation, Dr. Elliott will thoroughly discuss with the patient their goals and options for surgery, as well as what they can expect pre- and post-surgery.

If you are interested in body contouring please contact our office to set up a consultation.  Be sure to also view Dr. Elliott’s before and after photos of abdominoplasty surgery and other procedures he performs.  Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, and Google + for the latest cosmetic and reconstructive surgery news.