Tips for Choosing a Facial Plastic Surgery Procedure

All of us have mornings when we look in the mirror and just aren’t happy about how we look, but for many patients who seek plastic surgery, self-consciousness is in the backs of their minds every day. While choosing to take action is a step in the right direction, how do you know what type of procedure will produce the results you want? For facial plastic surgery patients, for instance, there is a wide array of cosmetic options, but many people don’t have a strong understanding of what these are. Here are a few tips to help you narrow down your choices.

facial plastic surgeon atlanta georgiaZero in on exactly what bothers you.

Instead of saying, “I feel like I look older than I am,” go beyond your first impression and try to point to exactly what is making you feel that way. For example, is it due to bags under your eyes, or is it because of sagging skin at your jawline? Or, if you’re unhappy with your profile, is it the size of your nose that’s causing the issue, or is it the shape of it? By taking the time to identify more specific “problem areas,” you’ll have a better idea of which procedures can address them.

Develop a basic understanding of your options.

Unless you’re a board-certified plastic surgeon yourself, you won’t have enough information to know all the details and intricacies of all your aesthetic options, but having an understanding of the general concept of each procedure is invaluable. Explore my website to learn about each of the facial cosmetic surgeries I offer.

Decide how committed you are to the process.

Plastic surgery involves a degree of commitment and patience from you, the patient, to get through the pre-operative requirements and the recovery process. Deciding how much time, effort, and funding you’re willing to devote to your appearance can help you narrow down your options. For example, if you want to reduce signs of aging, you could choose a facelift, which involves some downtime like any other surgery, but if you prefer a shorter recovery period, non-surgical laser skin resurfacing may be a better choice.

Remember, you don’t need to choose just one procedure.

Going back to an earlier example, let’s assume you are bothered by both jowls and bags under your eyes, and want to improve both to look more youthful. In this case, a combination of a short scar facelift and lower blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) may be a safe and effective way to help you achieve the results you want in one operation.

Keep an open mind when you consult with a plastic surgeon.

Once you’ve taken a closer look at your aesthetic concerns and your options for improving them, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. This meeting is an opportunity for me to listen to all of your concerns and questions and to recommend a surgical plan which is tailored to your individual situation. While the information you’ve already gathered is helpful, it doesn’t account for all of the medical and cosmetic details of your specific case, so be careful not to make assumptions about which procedure will be best for you before your consultation. Instead, allow the surgeon to offer expertise and guidance.

Choosing the right cosmetic surgery (or non-surgical treatment) and the right plastic surgeon is an important part of ensuring that your surgery is as safe and successful as possible. If you’re ready to discuss how I can help you be more comfortable with your appearance, contact me to schedule a consultation. Or, for more helpful information and updates about plastic surgery, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.